Trump Defend Kenosha Shooter Then Visits The City For Support

Trump Defend Kenosha Shooter Then Visits The City For Support

Donald Trump is like that little kid when you say it’s sunny outside he say’s no it’s not and it’s your fault that sun is gone.

A seventeen your old drove to another state with an assault rifle killing 2 people, a place that he had absolutely no business being at, so when Trump was asked about his actions he said that the boy was getting beaten up and in so many words was defending himself. Trump then says that the Mayor of Kenosha isn’t qualified to be mayor (in so many words) and even when the Mayor told him to stay away from his city Trump because he feels he needs those votes goes there anyway. Not to visit with the family of the man that was shot in the back 7 times in front of his now traumatized kids but to meet with law enforcement. That’s what he thinks of the ‘peoples’ vote.

Please remember to vote in November by any means necessary.

See the video below


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