Floating Abortion Clinic May Be Coming To Waters Near You Soon [VIDEO]

Floating Abortion Clinic May Be Coming To Waters Near You Soon [VIDEO]

You know that old saying, ‘when there is a will, there is a way’?  Well after the Supreme court overturned Roe vs. Wade making abortions illegal in a lot of States, someone decided to take a page out of the early casino days when casinos had to be on water and they are planning on doing the same with abortion clinics.

Going ‘to the boat’ is about to take on a whole new meaning.

California doctor, Meg Autry, came up with the idea of launching a ship that offers abortions in federal waters, and outside of the jurisdiction of state laws, much like when casinos were against the law back in day in a lot of states, hence the idea of River Boat Casinos.  The clinic, that can be opened as early as next year, will serve patients in Gulf states with abortion bans such as Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Alabama, at little or no cost.

What are your thoughts on the idea?

Take a look at the video below.


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