Woman Literally Pops Off in Dallas Love Field Airport Then Is Shot By Police [VIDEO]

Woman Literally Pops Off in Dallas Love Field Airport Then Is Shot By Police  [VIDEO]

This is a story that could have been resolved during Reality Hour on The Sam Sylk Show or at Relationship Hour at Sylk’s on Tuesday’s. 

It seems their is nowhere safe from people walking up in places with guns and wreaking havoc.  Monday afternoon there was a report of an active shooter at The Dallas Love Airport.  On Tuesday we have gotten some details on the shooting incident that left only the shooter being shot by police.

A woman identified as  37-year-old Portia Odufuwa dropped off at the airport Monday morning then pulled out a gun inside Dallas Love Field Airport and began shooting toward the ceiling, police say, halting flight operations for several hours Monday.  Portia Odufuwa, who witnesses said was yelling about her marriage and her cheating husband, was confronted and shot by a Dallas police officer in her lower extremities.

According to witnesses Portia Odufuwa stated she had an announcement to make before she started popping off…literally:

“She basically said her announcement, talking about her husband was cheating or something. And she basically said she was about to blow this sucker up. After she said that she pulled out a gun. She fired the first shot in the air and basically, everybody scattered,” 

Portia Odufuwa was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital in an unknown condition, however what is known is that Odufuwa has been charged with aggravated assault against a public servant.

Take a look at the video below


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