On Sunday 67 year old Bishop T.D. Jakes suffered a medical emergency while preaching his Sunday service in his Dallas Mega Church Potter’s House. On Monday his family and parishioners shared the news that he was recovering, some even saying he will be preaching this coming Sunday. Fastforwrding to today, Bishop Jakes has ordered a please don’t come for me, unless I send for you, in the form of a lawsuit against Pastor Duane Youngblood for defamation.
In October on Larry Reid Live Pastor Youngblood had alleged T.D. Jakes sexually assaulted him when he was a teen. Then a little over week before Bishop Jakes medical emergency, Pastor Youngblood, who is represented by Tyrone Blackburn (the attorney who represented Lil Rod in his lawsuit against Diddy), filed a lawsuit, asking T.D. Jakes to settle the claim by paying Pastor Youngblood $6million.
Bishop Jakes is now filing a lawsuit of his own against Pastor Duane Youngblood for defamation. According to Bishop Jakes legal team Pastor Duane Youngblood is a registered sex offender in Pennsylvania, and is on parole. In court documents they also state:
“This lawsuit is intended to bring that scheme to a halt, to end the extreme emotional, physical, and spiritual toll Defendants’ conduct has caused Bishop Jakes, to set the record straight so the world understands the patent falsity of the accusations, and to restore Bishop Jakes’s reputation.”
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