A Middle School Is Saying Young Ladies Don’t Have The Right To Say “NO”!?

A Middle School Is Saying Young Ladies Don’t Have The Right To Say “NO”!?

A principal at a middle school in Utah, decided to deal with male rejection, and totally ignore a females right to say no, by making it school policy that if a boy asks a girl to dance at his school, saying no to the boy is unacceptable.

An 11 year old girl attended her middle schools during school hours Valentines Day dance and a day that was supposed to be fun for the little girl turned into horror, when a little boy asked her to dance.  The little girl declined the young mans offer to dance, but when the principal heard her refusal, told the little girl to say ‘NO’ is against school policy, then he decided to take the little girl to the little boy and made her dance with him, all this while the little girl was in tears.

When the little girls mom found out about what had happened the principal let her know that it was school policy and if she didn’t like it she could take her child and bounce.

The mom is now fighting back saying the school is contributing to rape culture by not teaching  children how to appropriately handle rejection and respect others boundaries.

Give us your thoughts on this, does this set a bad precedent?

See the mom of the little 11 year old girls Facebook post below.


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