Landlord Found In Freezer, Tenant Charged For Putting Her There [VIDEO]

Landlord Found In Freezer, Tenant Charged For Putting Her There [VIDEO]

What is going on in the world today!?  

Landlord 69-year-old Frances Walker, dismembered body was found in the freezer of her own residence on October 10.  On the same day, the tenants and neighbors heard loud screams from the residence of Frances Walker, which immediately raised their concerns. They began calling and texting her, her calls weren’t answered but the test were.

It’s now being reported that a tenant that was being evicted was responding to the texts and has now been Frances Walker’s murder.

Sandra Kolalou, 36, was charged with first-degree murder and concealment of a homicide.  According to authorities:

“The person who owns the residence has actually served the defendant with a notice to leave, or an eviction notice,” “That very well could possibly be what … escalated this into the defendant becoming extremely angry” and committing this “horrific act,”

Take a look at the video below.


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