Kevin Garnett Ordered To Pay $100k In Support…Should You Have to Renew Marriage Licenses?

EX-NBA player Kevin Garnett may be headed back to the NBA so he can pay the $100K spouse/child support the judge ordered him to pay his ESTRANGED wife Brandi.  This court order is only temporary until their divorce is settled.

Kevin Garnett and Brandi had a prenup prior to marrying but she believes that KG broke the deal of the prenup when his bank account showed half empty when they separated.

Kevin and Brandi were married in 2004 and Brandi filed for divorce in January 2018.

Which brings up a question that was posed last week on social media… Marriage licenses are the only license that don’t expire. Should you have to renew your marriage license after a period of time? What are your thoughts???

Take a look at the video below.



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