Black Family Forgives The Man That Terrorized Them Over Their ‘BLM’ Sign [VIDEO]

Black Family Forgives The Man That Terrorized Them Over Their ‘BLM’ Sign [VIDEO]

In Michigan, Michael John Frederick Jr.confessed to “shooting at Eddie Hall’s truck, committing a separate shooting at the home, vandalizing the man’s pickup truck, slashing the tires, and smashing the home window with a rock in attacks across Sept. 7, 9, and 10 in 2020.  He painted all kinds of hate messages and swastika on his vehicles all because the family home had a Black Lives Matter sign in the window of their home.

Michael John Frederick Jr. will serve a 4-to-10-year prison sentence for the crime, after entering no contest pleas in the case.

But look at God’s children.  

According to Candace Hall:

“I’m not angry,… I’m not. I’m forgiving. You’re a good kid and have a chance. You made a bad choice and we understand that. We have children ourselves. We’re not hateful people. We’re Christians. With so much of the bad that happened, so much good came out of this because even though it was an evil, hateful act, it actually brought us – the neighborhood – together with love and comfort and compassion, even including his parents.”

The Hall family actually wanted to hug it out but the judge allowed them only to able to fist bump with the man that did them racistly wrong.

Would you have been able to do that?

Take a look at the video below


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