Andre Rison Say’s He Knows Jon Gruden Is Not A Racist!? [VIDEO]

Andre Rison Say’s He Knows Jon Gruden Is Not A Racist!?  [VIDEO]

Andre ‘Bad Moon’ Rison was one of the greatest receivers in the NFLat his time playing for several NFL teams, Indianapolis Colts, Atlanta Falcons, Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Green Bay Packers, Kansas City Chiefs but it was his time with the Oakland Raiders under coach Jon Gruden that according to Risen gives him first hand knowledge that Jon Gruden isn’t a racist no matter what the emails, which spanned from 2011 to 2018, leaked emails that Gruden had been writing racist, homophobic and misogynistic emails, that were part of 650,000 exposed during the NFL investigation.  With all that Andre Rison say’s Jon Gruden is NOT A RACIST.

According to Andre Rison:

“We all say some things behind closed doors that we regret or we wouldn’t say in public. We’ve all made mistakes,”  …“I believe who he said and what he said and who he intended it for, it was for that person and nobody else.”

Not quite sure who surfaced Andre Rison but not sure he is the greatest judge of character walking around…#IJS

Nov 19, 1995: After the Browns announced move to Baltimore, fans booed, Andre Rison then said, “We didn’t make the ___ move. So, for all the booers, ___ you too. I’ll be glad when we get to Baltimore, if that’s the case. Baltimore’s our home. Baltimore, here we come.”

Take a look at the video below.


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