President Joe Biden Signed an Executive Order to Reform Police Practices [VIDEO]

President Joe Biden Signed an Executive Order to Reform Police Practices [VIDEO]

Has change finally come!?  Well as our parents used to tell us, ‘baby steps’, as President Joe Biden has put pen to paper in an effort to make change as it pertains to police reform.

President Joe Biden on the 2 year anniversary of George Floyd’s death, he is saying ‘ENOUGH’ !!

President Joe Biden signed an executive order to reform federal police practices.  What does that mean?   The executive order will ban federal officers from using chokeholds unless deadly force is authorized, and it will restrict the transfer and purchase of military equipment by local police departments and a national data base so they can’t jump be an officer of misconduct in one place then go into another without that agency being able to know his/her real work history.

According to President Joe Biden:

“This executive order is going to deliver the most significant police reform in decades. It applies directly, under law, to only 100,000 federal law enforcement officers, all the federal law enforcement officers,” …“Through federal incentives and best practices that are attached to it, we expect the order to have significant impact on state and local law enforcement agencies as well.” 

In the word of Andrae’ Crouch, ‘Let the church say amen ♫’

Take a look at President Joe Biden signing the police reform executive order below, then give us your thoughts.



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