President Biden Says The UFO’s Aren’t UFO’s, He Doesn’t Think

President Biden Says The UFO’s Aren’t UFO’s, He Doesn’t Think

A Chinese balloon floating around, that China say’s was a gone astray weather balloon, but none the less once it got off the coast of South Carolina the U.S. shot it down.  Then days later we heard reports of other objects floating at high altitudes in U.S. airspace, over  Alaska and Michigan while the third was in Canadian airspace, that was shot down by the military because the objects posed threats to domestic flights.

People are concerned and want answers.  Are we be watched by other countries or is it Aliens?

President Joe Biden stepped up to ease Americans minds, by saying that he doesn’t think the UFO’s are ‘UFO’s’ like the ones that Aliens fly but he thinks that private companies are putting things in the air.

“We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were,” “But nothing right now suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that they were surveillance vehicles from … any other country. The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects were mostly balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research.” 

Take a look at the video below then give us your thoughts.



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