It looks like the viral video recorded by a teenager of the killing of George Floyd by a now fired, sporting an orange jumpsuit in jail Minneapolis ex-policeman, is bringing about changes in America that we never thought we would see. Unfortunately everybody doesn’t get it and instead of educating themselves on some things they put things out in the air that shows, either their ignorance or true colors.
NASCAR made the decision that they no longer condone, nor will allow the flying of the confederate flag at their events. However one of their drivers, the little known, Ray Ciccarelli, got in his feelings about the decision and quit.
According to Ray Ciccarelli via his Facebook:
“Well its been a fun ride and dream come true but if this is the direction Nascar is headed we will not participate after 2020 season is over , i don’t believe in kneeling during Anthem nor taken ppl right to fly what ever flag they love,”
To give a history on the confederate flag, it was the battle flag flown by several Confederate during the Civil War by armies whose soldiers kidnapped free Black farmers and sold them into slavery, encouraged the beating of slaves who tried to escape, and fought to protect the institution of slavery.
It is an oxymoron that he doesn’t believe in kneeling during the National Anthem however he thinks people have the right to fly flags that represented people of color not to be considered people but property. I’m sure when asked he’ll say, but I’m not a racist #IJS
Check out the video below