The world of Hip Hop as well as fans have been mourning the death of Grammy nominated rapper Nipsey Hussle after he was shot to death by Eric Holder outside of his store.
The person who we don’t hear much from is his soulmate and mother of his child actress Lauren London.
“I can honestly say God was carrying me through that,”
In a recent interview on the new Angie Martinez IRL Podcast, Lauren London sat down with her huge dimple, magnetic smile to talk about life after loosing the love of her life, and how she is managing in the wake of his death. Lauren London also dropped some relationship nuggets that would be perfect for Relationship Hour at Sylk’s, as well as keep some from having to write into Reality Hour during The Sam Sylk Show.
Lauren London described her relationship with Nipsey Hussle as “pure love”, while speaking of the impurity of many others relationships.
“I think a lot of them [relationships] are ego-driven and they’re not pure. So why would I take myself in this vulnerable state into my ego when I’m trying to get out of it? I’m in death of the ego space. Why do I need another? Why? Does that make my life complete? I’ll never get married does that mean I’m not on purpose?”
Lauren London also talked about wanting to leave Los Angeles, what’s good for her family and much more.
Take a look at the video below.