King James Tweets Message To Twitter: NO CHECK FOR YOU

King James Tweets Message To Twitter:  NO CHECK FOR YOU

What was once free, is now asking for a fee and just because LeBron James may have billions doesn’t mean he is giving anybody on red cent, especially for a blue check.

Elon Musk the new Twitter CEO recently announced major changes to his social media platform … saying any “legacy” account that wants to keep its blue badge will have to pay starting April 1 — with a few exceptions to major companies.  Some thought is was an April Fool’s joke, however we all have been seeing offers to pay for the blue check mark to verify our Instagram and Facebook accounts.  So why would this be a joke, especially when all these platforms claim they are loosing money.

LeBron James one of many celebrities that has the blue check that not only verify it’s really him, but he also draws millions into the platform, so when he received his notification of  the $8 a month to keep his Twitter verification fee, LBJ said no way via Twitter at that.

It’s not just LeBron James who feels this way, some news organizations have vowed not to pay for the check mark arguing that the new service has stripped them of any authority.

The White House has announced they will not opt-in for Twitter Blue and said they wouldn’t reimburse any staffers who choose to pay for the program either.

How about you, are going to pay for the blue check?


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