Gas Prices Going Up, So People Are Drilling Holes In Gas Tanks To Steal Gas!? [VIDEO]

Gas Prices Going Up, So People Are Drilling Holes In Gas Tanks To Steal Gas!?  [VIDEO]

The news, has been warning us all that the gas prices are going up.  Some outlets are reporting that some places might see $5.00 a gallon by this weekend.  Whenever there is an increase in prices of anything most people make preparations for the increase…even thieves as it is being reported that people in the ATL are drilling holes in other peoples cars gas tanks to steal gas.

Imagine filling your gas tank up then going for a ride then noticing your gas light has come on, way earlier then it should have.  Most peoples first thought would be that some thing was wrong with their gas needle or fuel pump, something mechanical however in Atlanta people are discovering that someone drilled holes in the tank, and used a bucket to collect the gas, leaving the unsuspected with an around $2000 repair bill to repair the gas tank, as well as damage to the fuel pump.

These incidents have bee reported in over four different Atlanta neighborhoods.  Some of the victims have caught video of the gas thieves driving away in a silver SUV.

These people are obviously not worried about causing a spark and blowing themselves up.

Take a look at the video below


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