Donald Trump Tantrum Oops We Meant Clap Back At Obama

Donald Trump Tantrum Oops We Meant Clap Back At Obama

Wednesday #44 President Barack Obama poetically sliced and diced #45 Donald Trump, while speaking at a Joe Biden rally in Philadelphia.

Even though Donald Trump didn’t run against Barack Obama for president, you wouldn’t know it cause the acting President clearly has a disdain for the former, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that after he heard/or heard about what Obama had to say about him a melt down was going to be immanent.

And so the tantrum/clap back/response began.

While campaigning in North Carolina Donald Trump had this to say for starters.  When Trump heard that former President Barack Obama was helping his former Vice President Joe Biden campaign, Trump felt that it was a blessing because according to Trump, Obama rode hard for Hillary Clinton and he beat her so he assumes the same will happen results will come with Obama riding for Joe Biden.

Just childish…Unfortunately this is going to get worse before it gets better.

Take a listen to Donald Trumps not so eloquent response to President Barack Obama below.



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