Donald Trump Has Fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper [VIDEO]

Donald Trump Has Fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Donald Trump eluded to the fact that he would concede, and that he wouldn’t go away peaceful or should we say transition nicely, so while America was rejoicing at Joe Biden winning Pennsylvania, making him now the President Elect and historically making Kamala Harris the Vice President elect making her husband the first man, Trump was chillin on a golf course, probably fuming and think what will I do next.

Although we can’t say for sure what he was thinking, but we do know now is what he was going to do next…fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. 

Thankfully we will not have to worry about getting important official news via the official Twitter in a couple of months but until then, Trump in an official statement on Twitter announced that he had fired Esper.

Trump has been miffed with Mark Esper because he wouldn’t use U.S. Military Troops to handle peaceful protestors a few months ago.

Take a look at the video below.


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