Diddy Feels “R&B Is Dead”, MJB Begs To Differ [VIDEO]

Diddy Feels “R&B Is Dead”, MJB Begs To Differ

People get on social media posting different things, asking random questions to basically generate likes and comments.  Celebrities, all they have to do, typically is post a picture and/or video of themselves in normal day life and they get a high like result.  Diddy recently took to Twitter with a question that is not getting the comments and likes he probably expected but Diddy instead got dragged a little and side eyed for his question along with his felling that ‘R&B’ is dead.

On Wednesday via Twitter Diddy Tweeted a question, “Who killed R&B?”, the high percentage of answers was that R&B isn’t dead. Amongst those to beg to differ with Diddy was Bad Boy original and Queen of R&B Mary J Blige.

Which prompted Diddy to call a house meeting on Instagram Live later that day. Gathering the likes of Tank, Kehlani, Mary J. Blige, and Timbaland, he asked each of them to speak on the state of R&B.

That’s when the Grammy award winning, Oscar nominated, Queen of R&B spit some knowledge to Diddy.

“You can’t kill something that’s in our DNA. It’s gonna keep transitioning from generation to generation to generation to generation. They was trying to kill it.” 

MJB went on to say that although she is thankful to radio, it’s the artists that “have to keep [themselves] alive.”

Let’s get in on the debate, is R&B dead or nah?  Do you agree with Diddy or MJB?  Take a listen to the video below then let us know your thoughts.


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