Bill Cosby’s Camp Call’s Eddie Murphy A “Hollywood Slave” !?

Bill Cosby’s Camp Call’s Eddie Murphy A “Hollywood Slave” !?

If you are a Eddie Murphy fan you will never forget his Bill Cosby bit when Dr. Huxtable was at his high, and Murphy say’s called him saying “I would like to talk to youuuuu about the stuff you use in your show”, stuff meaning sh@t.  Well after Eddie Murphy’s triumphant return to SNL after over 30 years when the true king of comedy included Cosby in his monologue the sh@t hit the fan.

In Eddie Murphy’s SNL monologue he said if you were to bet him 30 years ago that he would be a stay home dad and Cosby would be where he is today, hell he would have taken that bet.  I mean ho would of thought the King of clean comedy would be where he is today?  Well when Cosby allegedly heard the bit (which he is in jail, right?  and SNL comes on after 11:00 pm).  His response to the bit was Eddie Murphy is a “Hollywood Slave” and he wants to meet with him to discuss racial unity.  

Hmmm, very interesting #IJS #speechless

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