ATL Officer Fired For Shooting and Killing Rayshard Brooks Reinstated [VIDEO]

ATL Officer Fired For Shooting Rayshard Brooks Reinstated [VIDEO]

In the midst of protest that sprung up around the world after the world witnessed Derek Chauvin murder George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks was shot in the back and killed by Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe in a Wendy’s parking lot.

Garrett Rolfe was fired almost immediately and facing murder charges for his actions but today’s breaking news is that the Atlanta Civil Service Board has ruled that Rolfe was wrongly terminated and has been reinstated.

Rayshard Brooks had fallen asleep in a Wendy’s drive thru line when he was told to pull over into a parking space by police.  Police then decided they were going to arrest him and when he went to run away Officer Garrett Rolfe shot him in the back.

How that works that Garrett Rolfe gets to work until he goes to court for murder charges we don’t know, but obviously they. the Atlanta Service Board, is making sure he gets paid.  Wonder if he will get back pay!?  SMH!!

Take a look at the video below


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