Akron Twins Refuse COVID Vaccine, Hospital Refuses Them A Transplant

Akron Twins Refuse COVID Vaccine, Hospital Refuses Them A Transplant

Am I my sister keeper?  YES I AM!!  An Akron Twin needs a life saving kidney transplant but one issue stands in the way is the COVID vaccination.

One of the strongest bonds on this earth, is the bond between twins.  When one hurts the other hurts, in the case of Akron twin sisters, Lillian and Lucille, when one sister is sick and in need of a kidney to save her life the other is going to give her a kidney.  However according to the sisters it’s their refusing to be vaccinated for COVID-19 that is keeping the Cleveland Clinic from performing the transplant.  Now the life of one twins time is ticking.

According to, Lucille says she has an autoimmune disorder that will certainly trigger a bad reaction with the COVID shot.

“We are completely opposed to it. I have not taken it and she isn’t going to take it. If I get the shot I am going to lose my life for sure. My kidneys are failing the filtration itself will not tolerate that vaccine.”

According to The Cleveland Clinic, they disagrees saying,

“For the living donor, reducing the risk of a COVID-19 infection around the time of their surgery and recovery is crucial. Individuals who are actively infected with COVID-19 have a much higher rate of complications during and after surgery.”

Now the sisters have hired an attorney to help them fight for one of the twin sisters life.  Read More



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