Rapper, Power Universe King, 50 Cent is King of taking out his strap out and slaying people on his social media platform. Today 50 Cent is setting down his strap and is speaking forgiveness for Kanye West after making countless comments that offended a multitude of people. However when it comes to 50 Cent’s son airing out the family business not so much however he doesn’t feel any resentment.
In a recent interview 50 Cent had this to say about YE:
“I think Kanye West is in a dangerous area. I forgive him for the things he said. There is nothing for me to say about it. I watched take place and I just looked and I was like ‘yeah that’s him doing what he does. What Kanye would do.’”
When in another interview 50 Cent was asked about the situation with him and his son Marquise and would he be having a sit down when he had this to say:
“No he doesn’t.” “See, Charlamagne, you would call me. You don’t call TMZ to say you want to sit down. Think about it, man. You know, he wants some attention, and it’s okay he can have as much of that as he wants,” “You don’t just wake up and say, ‘Oh well I don’t believe what I’ve been believing forever,’” “When I said that he’s entitled, really it’s his Mom’s entitlement but it’s been filtered. I told you I was giving half a million dollars a year, they go through the paperwork they see half a million dollars a year. At that point, she still was expecting more. This is why I took out child support. You don’t usually sign up for child support, like, I took myself to child support. Because she wasn’t understanding that I’m already giving you more than you’re supposed to get.”
Take a look at the video below